Excellent or Praiseworthy – December 2021

Blessings to you this new year. Here’s a list of articles and blog posts from around the web. Everything listed here was encouraging, helpful, or informative to me during the month of December.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

– Philippians 4:8

1. How Should a Christian Ask for a Raise?

Courtney Powell offers some great advice about asking your employer for a pay increase.

2. Redeeming Pastoral Ambition

Ambition has a nasty side, but it can be redeemed. I enjoyed the insight of this article.

3. Can You Stand for Truth without Being Offensive?

It’s a good question, this one. My guess is standing for truth is going to grow more complicated as our world grows increasingly fragmented.

4. The Great Challenge of Every Marriage

A good article about marriage and how God uses the annoying habits of couples to sanctify them.

5. Riding the Coat-Tails of the Snake Crusher

I enjoyed the content of this article, particularly, the videos where the author is seen catching poisonous snakes.

6. 22 Questions That Reveal Character – Even Across Cultures

Character is essential for life in Christ, especially for those aspiring to a leadership role in the church. Here’s a list of twenty-two questions that reveal character.

7. Just Call Me Old-Fashioned

Blake Long believes, and I agree with him, “Christians—young or old—should not be afraid of believing the whole Bible . . . even the parts our culture abhors.”

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I’m Daniel

I’m a husband, father, pastor, and writer. I pray the material here draws you closer to God’s heart. Thanks for reading!

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