Excellent or Praiseworthy – February 2024

Below, you’ll find a list of articles I found encouraging, helpful, or informative during the month of February. I hope they bless you as they did me.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

—Philippians 4:8 NIV

1. Will We Ever Disagree in Heaven?

Randy Alcorn writes a short piece about an interesting aspect of heaven.

2. The Improbable Love Story Behind Alpha’s Origins

Part of my job at La Croix Church is overseeing the Alpha Course. I’ve seen God use Alpha in many ways. I enjoyed reading this article about the origins of this important ministry.

3. The Solution for Personality Tests

I appreciate personality tests. They’ve helped me navigate this crazy thing called life. But I also appreciate the wisdom this article brings to the conversation.

4. 9 Healthy Ways to Respond to Criticism

Mark Hallock shares some great tips for responding to criticism in healthy, Christlike ways.

5. Why Didn’t You Tell Me?

A sweet reflection on seeing and hearing the good news of Jesus for the first time.

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I’m Daniel

I’m a husband, father, pastor, and writer. I pray the material here draws you closer to God’s heart. Thanks for reading!

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